Navigator on Void-Skiff

Twilight Kin

by: Larsenikk on February 27, 2025

50 x 100

Sp | Me | Ra | De | US | Att | Ne | Pts | Ht 7 | 4+ | 4+ | 4+ | 1 | 4 | 12/14 | 110 | 3 Special Rules: Elite (Melee), Fly, Nimble, Thunderous Charge (2), Corsair deck snipers: 18", Att:4, Piercing (1), Steady Aim, Broadside (can only use left and right flank arcs to pick ranged targets) Legacy of Oskan: unless disordered, immediately before giving this unit a movement order, pick one of the following:- Aura vicious for "Twilight Elf" only - Aura Life Leech (2) for "Cronebound" only - Aura Stealthy and Spellward for "Voidtouched" only Keywords: Corsair, Twilight Elf, Voidtouched

To search for it in the game, search: a:25162

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