Lanzallamas de Disformidad

Jack Skaven Boys

by: Kenjack on September 26, 2024

25 x 50

. M HA HP F R H I A Ld Puntos Dotación Grupo de Apoyo 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 4 15 . A F PA Reglas Especiales Warpfire Thrower 6" 4 -1 Column of Fire . Cumbersome . Flaming Attacks Notes: This weapon shoots like a fire thrower, using the ‘Column of Fire’ special rule and the Black Powder Misfire table. Any unit that suffers one or more unsaved wounds from this weapon must make a Panic test as if it had taken heavy casualties.

To search for it in the game, search: a:24967

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