
TOW Lizardman

by: Yannick on January 26, 2024

60 x 100

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Monstrous creature 4 3 - 4 5 4 1 3 - Bastiladon - 2 3 3 - - 4 1 6 Skink Crew (x3) Saves: 3+ Thunderous bludgeon: S AP-3 Strike Last Equipment: Bastiladon: Thunderous bludgeon and Solar Engine Skink Crew: Hand weapons and javelins Special Rules: Close Order, Cold Blooded, Immune to Psychology, Impact Hits (D3), Impervious Defence, Large Target, Poisoned Attacks (javelins only), Stomp Attacks (D3+1), Stubborn, Terror Impervious Defence : : Enemy units cannot claim any bonus combat result points for being engaged with this model’s flank or rear arc. Solar Engine: Solar Radiance: Whilst within 6" of one or more Solar Engines, friendly units with the Cold Blooded special rule have a +1 modifier to their Initiative characteristic. Beam of Chotec: This model can cast the following Bound spell, with a Power Level of 2: Type: Magic Missile Casting Value: 9+ Range: 24" Effect: The target enemy unit suffers 3D3 Strength 5 hits, ea

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