Human Tribesmen Horde

Vild Raefn

by: Waltyr on July 20, 2024

200 x 80

Sp M Ra De US Att Ne Ht 5 3+ - 5+ 4 25 21/23 2 [ARTEFACT] BREW OF STRENGTH* The unit gains the Crushing Strength (+1*) special rule [SPECIAL RULES] - Crushing Strength (was 1, now 2 because of Brew) - Wild Charge (1) - Tundra Fighters: Units with this special rules gain Vicious (Melee - vs. units with the Frozen special rule only)** {Vicious: Whenever the unit rolls to damage, it must reroll all dice that score a natural, unmodified 1.} Keywords: Barbarian, Human Infantry

To search for it in the game, search: a:24867

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