Gecko Champion

OPR Saurians

by: Celebrir on July 11, 2024

40 x 40

Gecko Champion [1] Q5+ D5+ | 105pts | Fearless, Hero, Tough(3), Strider, 1x Priest(Caster(2)), 1x Palanquin(Tough(3)) Hand Weapon (A3, Poison) Magic Pulse (A3) Scrutiny (1): Target enemy unit within 18" gets -1 to hit rolls next time it fights in melee. Serpent Egg (1): Target enemy unit within 12” takes 3 hits. Energy Reservoir (2): Target 2 friendly units within 12" get +2" next time they Advance, or +4" next time they Rush/Charge. Jaguar Pounce (2): Target enemy model within 12" takes 2 hits with AP(4). Transcend (3): Target 2 friendly units within 18" get Regeneration next time they take wounds. Piranha Swarm (3): Target 2 enemy units within 9" take 6 hits each.

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