
Lizardman List 1

by: Yannick on January 26, 2024

30 x 30

Type: Magical Vortex Casting Value: 8+ Range: 15" Effect: Remains in play. Place a large (5") blast template so that its central hole is within 12" of the caster. Whilst in play, the template is treated as dangerous terrain over which no line of sight can be drawn. The template moves D6" in a random direction during every Start of Turn sub-phase. Any enemy unit the moving template touches or moves over becomes ‘drenched’ for the remainder of the game. A drenched unit suffers a -1 To Hit modifier during the Shooting phase. A drenched model whose troop type is ‘war machine’ must roll a D6 before shooting. On a roll of 1, the model fails to shoot this turn.

To search for it in the game, search: a:24426

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