[Info] Army Rules

[2k] Voxmanders

by: Voxicore on August 5, 2023

5 x 5

Aquatic - No penalty + soft cover in water features Blood-Frenzy - After inflict wound frenzy check Cold Blooded - Ld test roll dice 3 keep lowest 2 Cont. Creatures - Shooting vs creature 1-4 hits creature 5-6 hits skinks, if skins slain Ld test, if fail roll monster reaction table. Dispel Scroll - auto dispel Fear - Power Stones - +2 dice to spell roll Pred. Fighters - Spears only get 1 atk Skir. Screen - Krox can charge through non-fleeing skinks Skirmishers - Spout Flames - R15" / Art dice / Str 3 / enemy arm save -1, misfire is D3 skink handler casualties Stupidity - Terror - Thick Skinned - +2 arm save Ultimate Predator - VS large targets each wound is D3 wounds instead of 1

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